
Professor from the University of New Orleans, USA Visits ECUST

    At the invitation of Professor Wang Fuchen, Professor Ting Wang, Director of the Center for Energy Conversion and Protection of the University of New Orleans, paid a visit to ECUST from May 19th to 29th , 2017. 

    During the visit, Professor Ting Wang taught a short-term course of “An Introduction of IGCC” for graduate students of thermal engineering, chemical engineering. Prof. Wang also made an academic report entitled “The Myths of Energy and Power”, and at the academic report he illusrated how to write rearch papaer in English. 

    After presenting his newly published book “Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) Technologies” to ECUST Institute of Clean Coal Technology Research as a gift, Prof. Wang fully affirmed the achievements in the field of coal gasification technology, and expressed to carry out more in-depth cooperation in the field of clean coal technology.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237