
Professor of University of Florida, USA, Visits ECUST For Academic Exchange

    At the invitation of Prof. Xiu Guangli of the School of Resource and Environment, Prof. Wu Zhangyu, Director of Environmental Engineering Department of the University of Florida came to ECUST to teach a short-term course “Aerosol Technology and Health” for 2016 graduate students of ECUST from May 22nd to May 31st , 2017. The course is one of the courses taught in English for graduate students of Environmental Science and Engineering.

    In the course lecture, Prof. Wu Zhangyu introduced the current research direction, explaining the definition of aerosols, sources and the applications of aerosol technology in daily life with examples. After the students have a basic understanding of aerosols, Prof. Wu illusratrate further on the formation mechanism, the rule of movement and the impact on human health of aerosol . To achieve the expected teaching result, Prof. Wu took several measures to test students of this course, namely, oral reports, report paper and examinations.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237