
Academician of AAS&AAE Visits ECUST

    At the invitation of Professor Liu Ruinhui of the School of Material Science and Engineering, ECUST, Mr. Samuel H. Gellman, Professor of University of Madison, Wisconsin and Academician of American Academy of Science & American Academy of Engineering, paid a visit to ECUST and gave an academic report entitled “Impact of Backbone Modifications on Informational Properties of Polypeptides” on June 5th, 2017.

    In his report, Professor Gellman introduced different types of polypeptide folds, indicating that the polypeptide folding body exhibited better biophysical properties than the native protein / polypeptide while retaining the information recognition function of the native protein / polypeptide. Professor Gellman also illustrated that due to subtle differences on surface information, α and α/βalpha polypeptide would result in a completely different selectivity and specificity in protein recognition.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237