
Professor of University Libre of Brussels, Belgium, Visits ECUST

    Mr. Jürgen Wendland, a Professor University Libre of Brussels, Belgium and Editor-in-chief of Microbiological Research, was invited to pay a visit to the State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering, ECUST for academic exchange on November 15th, 2017.  Accompanied by Professor Zhuang Yingping, Dean of the School of Bioengineering, Professor Wang Qiyao, Deputy Dean of the School of Bioengineering, and Professor Xie Jingli, Deputy Director of the State Key Laboratory, Professor Jürgen Wendland visited State Key Laboratory of Biological Engineering in the morning of November 15 and he gave an academic report   entitled The biology of Ashbyagossypii: ecology, genomics, growth, development and sporulation after his visit. The report meeting was presided over by Professor Wang Qiyao and witnessed a heated discussion between the present audience and Professor Jürgen Wendland.




East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237