
Prof. Frank Schiller from Beckhoff Automation GmbH Teach Course in English in ECUST

    From June 2nd to June 10th 2019,  at the invitation of Prof. Wang Huifeng from the School of Information Science and Engineering, Prof. Frank Schiller of BeckHoff visited ECUST and started to teach a course in English for undergraduate students of the Department of Automation of the School of Information Science and Engineering. 
    Professor Frank Schiller taught the course titled “Fail-safe Communication in Automation” which focuses on information security technologies at home and abroad and their applications in engineering. The course introduces in detail the advanced technologies and methods for solving communication security problems and illustrate the future development direction. During the teaching, Professor Frank Schiller interacted with the students and helped students to master and apply the  methods more flexibly.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237