
Delegation of King Fahd University of Oil and Mining, Saudi Arabia, Visit ECUST

    A delegation of 25 teachers and students from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Mining, Saudi Arabia, visited ECUST on August 25th, 2019. Mr. Peng Delei, Deputy Director of the International Cooperation and Exchange Offices, ECUST, Mr. Liu Han and Mr. Li Yan of the Institute of International Education received the Saudi Arabian delegation.

    During the meeting, Mr. Peng Delei made a brief introduction of ECUST, advantages in major subjects and the current cooperation with foreign universities, and he then put forward good wishes to further promote the exchange and cooperation between the two universities and to make good use of the advantages in each university based on the similarities of the subject settings of the two universities. Professor HANI ABDULLAH A ALNASSER, Head of the delegation of King Fahd University of Petroleum and Mining, introduced briefly the advantages in major subjects of their university and expressed his expectation to cooperation between the two universities. Mr. Liu Jian then introduced briefly the current situation of foreign students in ECUST, including the project setup and the learning and living environment in ECUST. Madre, a Saudi student who is studying in ECUST now shared his study experience in ECUST and answered questions from the visiting Saudi students.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237