
Students of the School of Foreign Languages Visit Universities in UK, USA, Germany for Summer Study Exchanges

    During the summer vacation of July and August, 2019, 4 study teams of around 60 students under the leadership of 4 teachers from the School of Foreign Languages went to the United Kingdom,  the United States and Germany to carry out Summer Study Exchanges.

    Under the leadership of Ms. Gao Pan from the English department, 17 students from the English department went to the University of Manchester for a three-week study exchange in July, 2019. 

    Under the leadership of student tutor Zhao Qingxin, a team of 8 students from the School of Foreign Languages, the School of Business, the School of Sciences, the School of Social Science and the School of Material Science and Engineering went to the University of California at Riverside for a two-week study and researches in July, 2019.

    Under the leadership of Professor Wang Yong, head of the German Department, and Ms. He Jian, 12 students and 20 students from the German Department went to Berlin University of Technology and Mannheim University in Germany respectively for a one-month summer study in July, 2019.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237