
ECUST New Research Progress of Organic Asymmetric Catalysis Published on JACS

    Recently, based on the previous research of nickel-catalyzed carbonylation reaction, the research group of Chen Yifeng, from the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering of ECUST,  developed a brand-new chiral ligand skeleton Quinim , and successfully accomplished the construction of chiral α-alkyl substituted γ -lactam through asymmetric acyl-alkyl bifunctional reaction of olefins (Figure 1c).The research paper “Quinim: a New Ligand Scaffold Enabled Nickel-Catalyzed Enantioselective Synthesis of α-Alkylated γ-Lactam” was recently published on j.am.chem.soc.  

    This paper is first-authored by Wu Xianqing, a Doctoral candidate student, and is co-corresponding authored by Professor Qu Jingping and Professor Chen Yifeng.The research  is funded by the Frontier Science Center of the Ministry of Education of Materials Biology and Dynamic Chemistry, the Joint Research Center of Nobel Prize Scientists in Feringa, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Shanghai Rising Star Program, the overseas high-level talent introduction program (youth program), and the basic scientific research business expenses of central universities. The data representation work is strongly supported by the analysis and testing center of ECUST.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237