
ECUST Latest Progress of Carbon Dioxide Electroreduction Research Published on National Science Review

    Recently, the research team of Professor Li Chunzhong from the School of Chemical Engineering of ECUST systematically revealed the structural evolution and real catalytic active phase of the catalyst in the process of carbon dioxide electroreduction by using multi-scale in-situ characterization technology.The related research paper “Tracking structural evolution: operandi regenerative ceox/bi interface structure for high-performance CO2 electroreduction”, was published online on  National Science Review. 

    This paper is co-first authored by Pang Ruichao, a Masters student from the School of Material Science, and Tian Pengfei, a teacher from the School of Chemical Engineering; and is co-corresponding authored by Jiang Hongliang, an appointed researcher from the School of Chemical Engineering, and Professor Li Chunzhong .This research has been funded  by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Shanghai Major Project Foundation.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237