
ECUST Research Progress of Ultra-high Resolution Imaging of Light-Controlled Fluorescent Dyes Published in JACS

  Cooperated with Shanghai Institute of Pharmacy, Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Protein Center, University of Texas at Austin and University of Bath, ECUST Feringa Nobel Prize Scientists Joint Research Center made important progress in ultra-high resolution imaging of enzyme-activated photo-controlled fluorescent dyes.The research result, titled “Photochromic Fluorescent Probe Strategy for the Super-resolution Imaging of Biologically Important Biomarkers”, was published in Journal of American Chemical Society (JACS).

  The above research work was mainly completed by Dr. Chai Xianzhi, Dr. Han Haihao and Dr. Adam C. Sedgwick under the guidance of Associate Professor Zhang Juanqi, Researcher He Xiaopeng and Researcher Li Jia of Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and was carefully guided by Academician Tian He.The ultra-high resolution imaging experiment was guided by Li Na, liyao and Yu Yang from the National Protein Center.The research work has been supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Science Fund for Outstanding Youth, Shanghai “Rising Star” Program, and Shanghai Major Science and Technology projects in .


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237