
ECUST Research Achievements in Treating Chronic Ulcer Infection Published in Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

  Recently, ECUST research team headed by Professor Liu Runhui of School of Material Science have made achievements in the treatment of chronic ulcer infection. The related research article entitled “Host Defense Peptide-Mimicking Amphiphilicβ-peptide Polymer (Bu:DM) Exhibiting Anti-biofilm, Immunomodulatory and in vivoAnti-Infective Activity”was published in Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, aninternational authoritative journal.

  Based on the previous researches achievements on simulated host defense peptides byProfessor Liu Runhui’s team, the research work is co-accomplished with the collaborators from the University of British Columbia in Canada, among whom Qian Yuxin, an ECUST Ph.D. candidate, Zhang Qiang, an ECUST Master candidate,Hashem Etayashand Dr. Daniel Pletzer of University of British Columbia made important contributions.This research has been funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Ministry of Science and Technology.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237