
Type 1 New Oral Hypoglycemic Drug Borgliptin Maleate Approved into Clinical Research

  Recently, Borgliptin Maleate Tablets (development code: HL012MA), a Type 1 oral hypoglycemic drug jointly developed by the research team headed by Li Honglin of East China University of Science and Technology, and the research teams respectively headed by Jiang Hualiang and Li Jia of Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, has been granted the approval notice of drug clinical trial issued by the State Drug Administration, and is now approved to carry out clinical research. 

  The HL012MA project has been financially supported by National “Major New Drug Creation” Science and Technology Major Project, Chinese Academy of Sciences Strategic Pilot Science and Technology Special Project, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Pharmaceutical Innovation Independently Deployed Scientific Research Project, and Shanghai Science and Technology Commission “Science and Technology Support Project”. Some of the research articles were published in J.Med.Chem and other journals. 


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237