
Nature Communications Publishes ECUST Latest Research of Interdisciplinary Research Center of Optogenetics and Synthetic Biology

Recently, the research team of Professor Yang Yi from the State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering and the Interdisciplinary Research Center of Optogenetics and Synthetic Biology published a research article entitled “A synthetic bret-based optogenetic device for pulsed transgene expression enabling glucose homeostasis in mice” in the international authoritative academic journal Nature Communications, reporting a new gene expression regulation technology that can pulse activate gene expression in mammalian cells and mice. 

This research work was completed by Professor Yang Yi’s research team and Professor Ye Haifeng from School of Life Sciences, East China Normal University. Dr. Li Ting and Associate Research Fellow Chen Xianjun are the co-first authors and Professor Yang Yi and Professor Ye Haifeng are the corresponding authors of this article. The research has been funded by the State Key R&D Program, the National Natural Science Foundation, the Synthetic Biology Project of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, the “111” Program, the State Key Laboratory Fund of Bioreactor Engineering, the Basic Research Expenses of the Ministry of Education, and the China Postdoctoral Science Fund. 


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