
Scientific Progress Publishes ECUST Research Progress in Vascularized Biomaterials

Recently, the ECUST research groups of Academician Liu Changsheng and Professor Wang Jing found that heparin-like polysaccharide sulfonated chitosan (SCS) can effectively induce the reconstruction of functional blood vessels and the recovery of through blood flow in ischemic lower limbs, and analyzed its mechanism in detail. The research article was published in Scientific Progress with the title of “Sulfated polysaccharide directions therapeutic angiogenesis via endogenous VEGF secretary of macromolecules”. 

The article is first-authored by Yu Yuanman, postdoctoral fellow of School of Materials Science and Engineering, and co-corresponding authored by Professor Wang Jing and Academician Liu Changsheng. This research has been funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Innovation Group and the “111” Talent Introduction Program. 


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237