
Nature Communication Publishes ECUST New Research Progress in Predicting Functional Molecular Crystal Materials

Recently, the research team of Prof. Andrew Ian Cooper from Feringa Nobel Scientists Joint Research Center, ECUST, has made new progress in the research of digital navigation energy-structure-performance diagram. The research article, with East China University of Science and Technology as the first work affiliation, was published in the international authoritative academic journal Nature Communications with the title of “Digital Navigation of Energy–structure–function Maps for hydrogen-bonded porous molecular crystals”. 

The research work was mainly completed by  Zhao Chengxi of ECUST under the supervision of Professor Andy Cooper and Researcher Chen Linjiang. Zhao Chengxi has also been given guidance from Professor Graeme Day of Southampton University as a CSC-funded exchange doctoral candidate The research has also been given guidance and help from Professor Liu Honglai and Professor Lu Yunxiang of ECUST, researcher Wu Xiaofeng of Liverpool University, and Dr. Che Yu and Pang Zhongfu of Liverpool University. This research was funded by Leverhulme Research Center, ECUST Feringa Nobel Prize Scientists Joint Research Center, National Natural Science Foundation of China and China Scholarship Council.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237