
Nature Communications Publishes ECUST Progress in Polymer Memristor Functional Materials and Devices

Recently, cooperated with Gang Liu, a researcher from Shanghai Jiaotong University, and Professor Zhang Zhang from Hefei University of Technology, the research team of Professor Chen Mi from the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, ECUST prepared low-power nano-neuromorphic devices with yield as high as 90% with micro-nano processing technology, by using two-dimensional organic conjugation strategy to improve the coplanarity, crystallinity and resistance stability of polymers. The related research article entitled “90% Yield Production of Polymer Nano-Memristor for In-Memory Computing” was published in Nature Communications.

The article is co-first authored by Associate Professor Zhang Bin of Chen Mi’s research team, Dr. Chen Weilin of Gang Liu’s team of Shanghai Jiaotong University and Dr. Zeng Jianmin of Zhang Zhang’s team of Hefei University of Technology. East China University of Science and Technology is the first corresponding university of this article. Professor Chen Mi, Researcher Gang Liu and Professor Zhang Zhang are the co-corresponding authors of this article. The research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the State Key R&D Program, Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, the State Key Laboratory of Application Specific Integrated Circuits of Fudan University and Huawei.


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