
Science Advances Publishes ECUST Latest Progress of Organic Long Afterglow Phosphorescence at Room Temperature

Recently, Academician Tian He and Professor Ma Xiang from the Joint Research Center of Feringa Nobel Prize Scientists, ECUST, have made new breakthroughs in the research of pure organic room temperature phosphorescence, and put forward a mechanism based on introducing a trace amount of triplet trap as a defect to promote the charge recombination caused by it, and a new strategy to achieve high-efficiency long afterglow room temperature phosphorescence through two-component doping with energy level matching. The related research article was published online in Science Advances (2021, 7, EABF 9666).

The article is first-authored by postdoctoral fellow Ding Bingbing of the Institute of Fine Chemical Engineering, and corresponding-authored by Professor Ma Xiang. The research work received careful guidance from Academician Tian He and was financially supported by the Basic Science Center Project of NSFC, Shanghai Key International Cooperation Projects and Outstanding Leading Academics. 


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