
German Applied Chemistry Publishes ECUST Latest Research Progress on Light-driven Molecular Machines

Recently, the research group of Professor Qu Dahui from the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering and the Feringa Joint Research Center of Nobel Prize Scientists successfully constructed a series of motorized crown ether macrorings by skillfully combining a generation of molecular motors with crown ether rings, making an important research progress in the selective recognition of three-dimensional switchable. The latest research article was published in Angew. Chem. Int.Ed. under the title of “Motorized Macrocycle: A Photo-responsive Host with Switchable and Stereoselective Guest Recognition”.

The research work was mainly completed by Liu Yue, a doctoral candidate from the School of Chemistry, ECUST, under the guidance of Professor Qu Dahui, and received careful guidance from Academician Tian He and Academician Feringa. The research also received support from Stefano Crespi, Ph.D., University of Groningen, Netherlands in computational chemistry. The research was financially supported by the National Science Fund for Outstanding Young People, major projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Frontier Science Center of Materials Biology and Dynamic Chemistry of the Ministry of Education, the Basic Science Center, and Shanghai Major Science and Technology Projects.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237