
German Applied Chemistry Publishes ECUST Research Progress in General Design Strategy of Organic Room Temperature Phosphorescent Materials

Recently, ECUST research team of Academician Tian He and Professor Ma Xiang from the Joint Research Center of Feringa Nobel Prize Scientists designed a doped pure organic room temperature phosphorescence (RTP) system with the use of the external heavy atom effect of ionic polymer and rigid ionic bond network, and constructed a universal strategy to design phosphorescent materials directly from traditional fluorescent dyes without chemical modification. The research artile was recently published in the internationally renowned journal Angew. Chem. Int. Ed with the title of “Activating Room-Temperature Phosphorescence of Organic Luminophores via External Heavy-Atom Effect andRigidity of Ionic Polymer Matrix”.

The article is corresponding-authored by Professor Ma Xiang, and first- authored by Yan Ziang, an undergraduate (who has been enrolled as a Doctorate Candidate of ECUST and studies under the supervision of Academician Tian He). The research work has been under carefully guidance of Academician Tian He and it was financially supported by the Basic Science Center Project of NSFC, Key International Cooperation Projects, Excellent Youth Projects and Outstanding Academic Leadering Talents in Shanghai.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237