
AIChE Publishes ECUST Research of Multi-scale Simulation of ALD Reactor

Recently, in cooperation with Johns Hopkins University and Princeton University in the United States, ECUST research team of Professor Xu Zhenliang of Membrane Science and Engineering from the School of Chemical Engineering has developed a set of multi-scale model of atomic layer deposition (ALD) reactor, which can be used to predict the flow, heat and mass transfer process of high vacuum fluid in ALD reactor scale and the film deposition process in nano-pores of substrates. The research article, titled “Numerical simulation of atomic layer deposition for thin deposit formation in a mesoporous substrate”, was published in AIChE in the cover of the journal. and was rated as “Top Tier” and it will be publicized on the journal homepage for one month as an Editor’s Choice paper in August 2021.

The article is first-authored and corresponding-authored by Dr. Zhuang Liwei, co-first-authored by Dr. Peter Corkery and Dr. Dennis T. Lee of Johns Hopkins University, and co-corresponding-authored by Professor Michael Tsapatsis, Academician of American Academy of Engineering. The simulation research received help from Professor Yannis Kevrekidis, Academician of American Academy of Engineering, and Dr Seungjoon Lee (Johns Hopkins University) and Dr Mahdi Kooshkbaghi (Princeton University). Professor Xu Zhenliang and Professor Dai Gance from the School of Chemical Engineering of ECUST have also given great guidance and assistance in membrane preparation and structure control and in fluid mechanics and transfer process perspectively.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237