
Nature Communications Publishes ECUST Latest Rsearch Progress on “Double-enzyme-loaded Nano Hybrid Gel Simulating Peroxisome for Tumor Chemokinetic/photodynamic Therapy”

Recently, Nature Communications, an international authoritative academic journal, publishes a reseach article entitled “Peroxisome inspired hybrid enzyme nanogels for chemodynamic and photodynamic therapy”. The research progress was made by the research teams headed by Professor Li Yongsheng and Professor Niu Dechao from School of Materials Science and Engineering, ECUST and Professor Wang Qigang from School of Chemical Science and Engineering of Tongji University on “Nano-hybrid gel simulating peroxisome for tumor chemokinetic/photodynamic therapy” .

The article is first-authored by doctoral candiate Qin Xing of School of Materials Science and Engineering, ECUST, and doctoral candidate Wu Chu of School of Chemical Science and Engineering, Tongji University. It is corresponding-authored by Professor Li Yongsheng and Professor Niu Dechao of ECUST, Professor Wang Qigang and Associate Professor Wang Xia of Tongji University. This research has been financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Key R&D Program, the Innovation Group, and Shanghai Major Science and Technology Projects.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237