
Journal of American Chemical Society Publishes ECUST Latest Research Progress of Porous Biomaterials

Recently, the research team of Professor Gu Jinlou from the School of Materials Science, ECUST, reported that a sensing model of specific enzymatic reaction was constructed based on the hierarchical structure of metal-organic skeleton with adjustable mesopores, thus achieving accurate screening of prostate cancer patients (PCa). With this work, cancer patients can be screened quickly and accurately through only a drop of urine, thus abandoning the complicated and embarrassing process of traditional PSA and anal examination methods. A series of work has been patented (202110648627.8), and then the research group published part of the data in Journal of American Chemical Society.

The article is first authored by Doctoral candidate Zhao Liwei, from the School of Materials Science, and correspondening authored by Professor Gu Jinlou. The research is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Shanghai Natural Science Foundation.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237