
Advanced Functional Materials Publishes ECUST Latest Progress of Antibacterial Polypeptide Polymer Bone Cement in Treating Chronic Osteomyelitis

Recently, the research group of Professor Liu Runhui from the School of Materials Science and Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology cooperated with the team of Professor Lin Haodong from Shanghai First People's Hospital to prepare PMMA bone cement microspheres doped with antibacterial polypeptide PMMA@polymer based on host defense peptide simulation, which showed excellent therapeutic effect in vivo in rabbit model of chronic osteomyelitis. The research paper was published in Advanced Functional Materials with the title of “Peptide polymer-doped cement acting as an effective treatment of MRSA-affected chronicostomy myelitis”.

This article is first-authored by Dr. Wu Yueming of ECUST and Dr. Lin Yaofa of Shanghai First People’s Hospital, and co-corresponding authored by Professor Liu Runhui of ECUST and Professor Lin Haodong of Shanghai First People’s Hospital. The research was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and other funds.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237