
Nature-Chemical Biology Publishes online ECUST New Progress of Joint Research on Fluorescent RNA

Recently, the research group of Professor Yang Yi and the research group of Professor Zhu Linyong from the State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering of ECUST, together with the research group of researcher Ren Aiming from the Institute of Life Sciences of Zhejiang University jointly made a breakthrough in the research of fluorescent RNA. The research article entitled Structure-based investigation of fluorescent pepper aptamer was published online in the international authoritative academic journal Nature Chemical Biology.

The article was first-authored by Dr. Huang Kaiyi of Zhejiang University and Associate Researcher Chen Xianjun of School of Pharmacy of ECUST, and corresponding-authored by Professor Zhu Linyong, Professor Yang Yi and researcher Ren Aiming. The research was financially supported by the national key research and development plan, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission project, the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission project, the State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering Fund, the Ministry of Education’s basic scientific research business expenses and other funds.


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