
Nature-Communication Publishes ECUST New Progress of Catalyst Design Guided by Reaction Kinetics

Recently, cooperated with Academician De Chen of Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Professor Duan Xuezhi and Dr. Chen Wenyao from the School of Chemical Engineering and the Joint State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering of ECUST have explored the electronic effect of metal nano-catalysts, and established a reaction kinetic model that can be used to guide catalyst design, including mechanism information such as surface adsorption, activated state and coverage of key species, and set up a bridge between the electronic structure and macro catalytic behavior of catalysts. The related research article was published in Nature-Communication with the title of “Molecular-level insights into the electronic effects in platinum-catalyzed carbon monoxidization”.

The research was under careful guidance of Academician Yuan Weikang and Professor Zhou Xinggui, and received support from researcher Jiang Zheng of Shanghai Light Source on the characterization of synchrotron radiation. In addition, this research has received financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China’s major research program integration project and the Outstanding Young Scholars Science Fund project, the Shanghai Education Commission’s scientific research and innovation program major natural science project, “Bo Xin Program” of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security , Shanghai “Super Postdoctoral” incentive program and other projects.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237