
Nature-Communication Publishes ECUST New Progress on Green Environmental Chemicals

Recently, Journal of Nature-Communication published two new research progresses ofECUST researchers in the field of green environmental chemistry.

These two articles respectively reported the progress of Professor Duan Xuezhi, Dr. Chen Wenyao and Academician DeChen of Norwegian University of Science and Technology in the design of catalyst guided by reaction kinetics, and the progress of Yang Xuejing, a researcher of Institute of Mobility, Wang Jinling, a doctoral student of Institute of Chemical Engineering, and Angelika Brückner, a professor of catalysis research institute in Leibniz, Germany, in the activation of C-C bond free radicals of biomass platform molecules and the controllable transformation of high atom economy. Academician Yuan Weikang, Professor Zhou Xinggui, Professor Liu Honglai, Professor Wang Hualin of the Joint State Key Laboratory of Chemistry participated in the above work and provided important support and guidance.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237