
ACS Catalysis Publishes ECUST Research Progress of Enzymatic Asymmetric Reductive Amination

Recently, the team of Professor Xu Jianhe and Professor Zheng Gaowei, the State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering, College of Bioengineering, our school, and the Collaborative Innovation Center jointly established by Shanghai Biomanufacturing Industry and Ministry, have made new progress in the research on the function expansion of amine dehydrogenase. ACS Catalysis, a journal of American Chemical Society, published this research article with the title of “Asymmetric reduction of structurally diverse ketones with ammonia using a spectrum-extended amine dehydration”.

This research was financially supported by the national key research and development plan “Synthetic Biology” special project, key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and other projects. The article is co-first-authored by Master candiates Wang Donghao and Yin Sainan, who mainly completed the study of enzyme molecular modification and substrate spectrum, and Associate Professor Chen Qi, who mainly completed the simulation study of enzyme molecular dynamics. The article is corresponding-authored by Dr. Chen Feifei, Professor Xu Jianhe and Professor Zheng Gaowei.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237