
Nature-Communication Publishes ECUST Latest Progress in High Atom Economy Oriented Transformation of Biomass Platform Molecules

Recently, Yang Xuejing, a specially appointed researcher of ECUST, has made a breakthrough in the research on the regulation of free radical oxidation path of bio-glycerol-based platform chemical 1,3- dihydroxyacetone and its high atom economy oriented transformation. The related research article was published in Nature Communications with the title of “Dihydroxyacetone valorization with high atom efficiency via controlling radical oxidation pathways over natural mineral-inspired catalyst”.

The first academic affiliation of the article the Joint State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering of ECUST and the National Engineering Research Center for Harmless and Resourceful Industrial Wastewater. Wang Jinling, a doctoral student of the School of Chemical Engineering of ECUST, and Dr. Dai Xingchao of the German Leibniz Institute of Catalysis are co-first-authors of this paper, and Yang Xuejing, a specially appointed researcher of the School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, ECUST, is the corresponding author of this article. The article also received support and guidance from Professor Liu Honglai from the School of Chemical Engineering, Professor Wang Hualin from the School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Researcher Shi Feng from Lanzhou Institute of Chemistry, Researcher Gong Ming from Fudan University and Professor Angelika Brückner from Leibniz Institute of Catalysis, Germany. The research work has been finacially supported by the National Key R&D Plan Solid Waste Project, the International (Regional) Cooperation and Exchange Project, General Projects and Major Research Plans of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.


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