
ECUST New Progress in Research of High-risk Organic Arsenic Removal and Risk Control in Water

Recently, the research team of Professor Zhou Yanbo from the School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, ECUST has made important progress in the research of removing high-risk organic arsenic in water. The photo-synergistic in-situ Fenton oxidation technology has achieved good removal effect on organic arsenic pollutants such as arsine in Loksa, and the related results have been published in the  Chemical Engineering Journal and Journal of Hazardous Materials.

The research work was accomplished by Li Xia, He Jie and other graduate candiates of Professor Zhou Yanbo’s research team and Zhou Yi, a Specially Appointed Associate Researcher. It was financially funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Shanghai Excellent Technology Leading Talents Project, Shanghai Sailing Plan and other projects.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237