
Nature-Biotechnology Publishs Online ECUST Breakthrough Progress in Research of RNA Optogenetics Control Technology of Living Cells

Recently, the Shanghai Optogenetics Frontier Science Research Base of Cell Metabolism, the State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering, the Interdisciplinary Research Center of Optogenetics and Synthetic Biology, and the team of Professor Yang Yi from the School of Pharmay, ECUST have made breakthrough progress in the research of RNA optogenetics control technology.  The related research article was published online in the international authoritative academic journal Nature Biotechnology,entitled “Optogenetic Control of RNA Function and Metallurgy Using Engineered Light-Switchable RNA-binding Proteins” as a long article.

The article is first-authored by Dr. Liu Renmei and Dr. Yang Jing from the School of Bioengineering, East China University of Science and Technology, and is corresponding-authored by Dr. Chen Xianjun and Dr. Yang Yi from the School of Pharmacy. The research received assistance from Professor Quan Shu and Professor Cai Haibo from the School of Bioengineering, ECUST on frontier interdisciplinary research. It was funded by the National Key R&D Plan, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission Project, the Shanghai Optogenetics Technological Frontier Research Base of Cell Metabolism, the “111” plan, the State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering Fund, the Basic Research Service Fee of the Ministry of Education.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237