
Nature- Catalysis Publishes ECUST New Progress of Hydrogen Production from Methanol Steam Reforming

Recently, the international authoritative academic journal Nature Catalysis published online the latest research article in the field of hydrogen production by steam reforming of methanol under the title of “Induced activation of commercial Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst for steam reforming of methanol”.

The article is co-first-authored by Doctoral Candidate Li Didi and Postdoctoral Fellow Xu Fang of School of Chemical Engineering, ECUST, and Doctoral Candidate Tang Xuan, and Professor Dai Sheng of the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, ECUST. It is corresponding-authored by Zhu Minghui, Professor Xu Zhi of ECUST, and co-corresponding-authored by Professor Israel E. Wachs of Caspian University, USA. The research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Major Project of Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Shanghai Young Science and Technology Promising Star Program, Shanghai Sailing Program and the Open Project (Key Project) of the State Joint Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237