
Nature-Communication Publishes ECUST Research Progress of New Mechanism of Defect-induced Martensite Transformation Under High Pressure

Recently, Chen Hao, a Specially Appointed Associate Researcher of School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, ECUST, and his collaborators have revealed a new martensite transformation structure induced by dislocation defects by combining in-situ Laue X-ray diffraction experiment, molecular dynamics simulation and large deformation martensite transformation theory. The related research article “Nontrivial nanostructure, stress relaxation mechanisms, and crystallographyfor pressure-induced Si-I to Si II phase transformation” was published in Nature-Communication and listed in Editors’ Highlights page.

The research article is first-authored by Chen Hao, who has completed the work of molecular dynamics simulation and experimental coupling, and has written and revised the article. And the first academic affiliation is the Key Laboratory of Pressure System and Safety of the Ministry of Education of ECUST.    The experimental collaborators are Professor Valery Levitas from Iowa State University and Dr. Dmitry Popov and Dr. Nenad Velisavljevic from Argonne National Laboratory, USA. The research work was finacially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Fund and Shanghai Sailing Plan.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237