
Nucleic Acids Research Publishes ECUST Latest Achievements of Virulence regulation of pathogenic bacteria

Recently, the research group of Professor Qi Wang of the School of Bioengineering, ECUST, has made new progress in the regulation mechanism of Edwardsiella fischeri virulence. The related research article was published recently in Nucleic Acids Research, a well-known academic journal of biology and molecular science, with the title of “Xenogeneic nucleoid-associated EnrR thwarts H-NS silencing of bacterial virulence with unique DNA binding”.

This article is co-first-authored by Doctoral Candidates Ma Ruiqing and Liu Yabo and Professor Gan Jianhua of Fudan University, and corresponding-authored by Professor Qi Wang. The research work has also received support from Professor Zhang Yuanxing and Professor Liu Qin of the School of Bioengineering, and has been financially supported by Key Projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Key R&D plan and modern agricultural industrial technology system.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237