
JACS Publishes ECUST Latest Research Progress in Drug-resistant Tumors

Recently, the research team of Professor Liu Runhui from the School of Materials, ECUST, has made a breakthrough in the research of drug-resistant tumors, finding out a highly effective anti-drug tumor function by simulating host defense peptide with β polypeptide polymer. The research article was published in Journal of the American Chemical Society with the title “Heterochiral β-peptide polymers combining multidrug-resistant cancers effectively without inducing drug resistance”.

This article is first-authered by Shao Ning, a doctoral candidate of ECUST, and is corresponding-authered by Professor Liu Runhui. This research was financiallysupported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237