
Journal of American Chemical Society and German Applied Chemistry Publishes ECUST New Progress of Asymmetric Catalysis

Recently, the research team of Professor Chen Yifeng from the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering of our school and the Joint Research Center of Feringa Nobel Prize Scientists have made new progress in the field of asymmetric catalysis of olefins to build multi-level chiral centers. The related research articles were published in German Applied Chemistry and Journal of the American Chemical Society with the title of “CatalyticDesymmetric Dicarbofunctionalization of Unactivated Alkenes”and “CatalyticAsymmetric Diarylation of Internal Acyclic Styrenes and Enamides” respectively.

The first authors of the research articles are Wu Xianqing, a postdoctoral fellow, and Xi Yang, a doctoral student, respectively. The corresponding author of both articles is Professor Chen Yifeng. The researches have received support and careful guidance from Professor Qu Jingping.These researches have been funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Shanghai Qixing Project, Shanghai Natural Science Foundation, Frontier Science Center of the Ministry of Material Biology and Dynamic Chemistry, Feringa Nobel Prize Scientists Joint Research Center, Basic Scientific Research Fees of Central Universities and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. The data representation is strongly supported by the Analysis and Testing Center of ECUST.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237