
Nature-Communication Publishes ECUST New Progress in Optical Microstructure of Tilted Helical Liquid Crystal Driven by Frequency Dynamics

Recently, Professor Zheng Zhigang from the School of Physics of ECUST cooperated with Professor Li Quan from Southeast University, and made new progress in the research of the optical microstructure of tilted helical liquid crystal driven dynamically by electric field frequency. The research article was published online in the internationally authoritative academic journal Nature-Communication under the title of “Dynamically Actuated Soft Heliconical Architecturevia Frequency of Electric Fields”.

The article is first authored by Liu Binghui, a doctoral candidate of the School of Materials Science and Engineering, and is co-corresponding authored by Professor Zheng Zhigang from the School of Physics and Professor Li Quan from Southeast University. The first academic affiliation of this research work is East China University of Science and Technology. The research work has been financially supported by the National Science Fund for Outstanding Youth, the National Natural Science Fund, the Science and Technology Innovation Project of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, and the Shuguang Project of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237