
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Publishes ECUST Latest Research Progress on Treatment of Invasive Drug-resistant Fungal Infections

Recently, the research group of Professor Liu Runhui from the School of Materials in our university has made a new breakthrough in the research of anti-invasive drug-resistant fungal infection. Inspired by cell-penetrating peptides, Professor Liu Runhui and other researchers designed and synthesized a polypeptide copolymer of L- glutamic acid and D,L-arginine, which significantly reduced drug side effects while retaining antifungal properties, and found a new strategy of structural design for resisting drug-resistant fungal infection. The research article was published in Pharmaceutical Chemistry under the title of “An effective strategy to develop potent and selective antifungal agentsfrom cell penetrating peptides in tackling drug-resistant invasive fungalinfections”.

The article is co-first authored by Wu Yueming, a postdoctoral fellow of ECUST, and Jiang Weinan, a doctoral candidate of ECUST, and is corresponding authored by Professor Liu Runhui. The research has been financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and other funds.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237