
Fundamental Research Publishes ECUST Research Progress of Fish immunology

Recently, the research team of Professor Liu Qin and Associate Professor Yang Dahai from the School of Bioengineering, State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering, ECUST has constructed the most abundant fish immune cell map so far. The research article was published in the journal of Fundamental Research sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China with the title of “Multi-tissue scRNA-seq reveals immune cell landscape of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)”.

The article is co-first authored by doctoral candidates Chen Weijie, Wang Wei, and Wang Ying, and masteral candidate Huang Jianchang, and is co-corresponding authored by Professor Liu Qin and Associate Professor Yang Dahai. The research received support from Professor Zhang Yuan Xing and Professor Qi Wang Yao and it is financially supported by the Outstanding Youth Fund of National Natural Science Foundation.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237