
J Combin Theory Publishes ECUST Latest Research Progress in Spectral Extremum

Recently, Professor Lin Huiqiu from School of Mathematics and Professor Zhai Mingqing from Chuzhou University have made important progress in the research of spectral Turán problem. The related research article was published in Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B with the title of “Spectral extremaof Ks,t-minor free graphs-On a conjecture of M. Tait”.

In this paper, Professor Lin Huiqiu and Professor Zhai Mingqing characterized the unique extremum graph with the largest spectral radius in the graph with Ks,t-minor structure (t ≥ s ≥1) disabled. In the process of proving, they completely solved the Turán-type problem of Ks,t-minor spectrum by using feature components, double feature vectors, local edge maximization, local degree sequence optimization and other tools.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237