
Journal of American Chemical Society Publishes ECUST New Progress of Single Particle Electrochemistry

Recently, the research team of Ma We of the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, ECUST and the Feringa Nobel Prize Scientists Joint Research Center has made new research progress in the rapid screening of bimetallic electrocatalysts by single particle electrochemistry. The related research results were published in Journal of American Chemical Society with the title of “Rapid screening of bimetallic electrocatalysts using single nanometer collisional electrochemistry”.

This research work was conducted by by Li Huimin, Zhang Xuanxuan and Sun Zehui, the master candidates of the School of  Chemistry, under the guidance of Associate Professor Ma Wei. This work has received financial support from the National Major Research Program Cultivation Project, Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Major Project, Shanghai Natural Science Foundation, National High-level Young Talents Program, Frontier Science Center of the Ministry of Material Biology and Dynamic Chemistry, Feringa Nobel Prize Scientists Joint Research Center, etc.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237