
Nature Communications Publishes ECUST New Strategy of Acetylene Selective Hydrogenation Catalyst Design

Recently, the catalytic reaction engineering team of the School of Chemical Engineering, ECUST has made progress in the design of active sites of acetylene selective hydrogenation catalysts driven by mechanism. The related research article was published online in Nature Communications with the title of “Mechanism Driven Design of Trimer Ni1sB2 Site Delivering Superior Hydrogenation Selectivity to Ethene”.

The article is first authored by doctoral candiate Ge Xiaohu, and corresponding authored by Professor Duan Xuezhi and Dr. Cao Yueqiang from Catalytic Reaction Engineering Research Team of the School of Chemical Engineering of ECUST and Professor Liu Xi of Shanghai Jiaotong University. The research work has been carefully guided by Academician Yuan Weikang and Professor Zhou Xinggui. It has been financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China for Outstanding Youth Science Fund, the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission’s Scientific Research and Innovation Program for Major Natural Science Projects, and the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission’s Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan.


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