
Nature Communications Publishes ECUST New Progress of Asymmetric Catalytic Synthesis

Recently, the Chen Yifeng research group of the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, ECUST and the Feringa Nobel Prize Scientists Joint Research Center, has made new research progress in the field of asymmetric catalytic conversion of olefins to construct lactam heterocyclic compounds. The related research article was published in the journal Nature Communications with the title of “Ni-catalyzed carbamoylation of unactivated alkenes for stereo selective construction of six-member lactams”.

The article is first authored by doctoral candidate Zhang Chenhuan, and corresponding authored by Professor Chen Yifeng. The research has received support and guidance from Professor Qu Jingping. The research work has been funded by the Frontier Science Center of the Ministry of Material Biology and Dynamic Chemistry, the Joint Research Center of Feringa Nobel Prize Scientists, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Shanghai “Qixing” Project, the Shanghai Natural Science Foundation, and the basic scientific research fees of the central universities.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237