
German Applied Chemistry Publishes ECUST Latest Review of Strong Metal-Support Interaction

Recently, Germany Applied Chemistry, the top international journal of chemistry, published online the latest review article of the energy and environmental catalysis team in the field of strong metal-carrier interaction (SMSI) with the title of “Engineering Heterogeneous Catalysis with Strong Metal–Support Interactions (SMSI): Characterization, Theory and Manipulation”.

The review article is first authored by Pu Tianli, a Doctoral Candidate jointly trained by the Energy and Environmental Catalysis Team of the School of Chemical Engineering of ECUST and the research group of Israel E. Wachs of Caspian University, USA, and Zhang Wenhao, a Masteral Candidate of ECUST university. And it is corresponding authored by Zhu Minghui, a specially appointed young professor of ECUST. This work has been funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Shanghai Science and Technology Major Project and China Petrochemical Company.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237