
ECUST Made Latest Research Progress in Natural Language Understanding

Recently, the computer department of the School of Information Science and Engineering published the latest research article on compound noun interpretation with the title of “Noun Compound Interpretation With Relation Classification and Paraphrasing” in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, the top international journal of artificial intelligence.

The article is first authored by Liu Jingping in the computer department of the School of Information Science and Engineering, ECUST and Liu Juntao, a Masteral student of Fudan University. Liu Jingping and Professor Xiao Yanghua of Fudan University are the corresponding authors of this article. The research work has been applied to merchant marking in Meituan APP, and the click conversion rate of the search system has increased by 0.91%.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237