
Journal of American Chemical Society Publishes ECUST Breakthrough Achievement in Light Reconstruction of Soft Materials with Uneven Pitch

Recently, Professor Zhu Weihong from the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, the Frontier Science Center of the Ministry of Material Biology and Dynamic Chemistry, and Professor Zheng Zhigang from the School of Physics have made breakthrough progress in the research of light reconfigurable soft materials with non-uniform pitch. The related research article was published in Journal of American Chemical Society with the title of “Light-Reconfiguring Inhomogeneous Soft HelicalPitch with Fatigue-Resistance and Reversibility” .

The research work was mainly conducted by Li Mengqi and Hu Honglong, postdoctoral fellows in the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering of ECUST, under the guidance of Professor Zhu Weihong and Professor Zheng Zhigang, and was strongly supported by Academician Tian He. The research work has been funded by the Frontier Science Center of the Ministry of Material Biology and Dynamic Chemistry, the Basic Science Center of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the National Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars.   


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237