
German Applied Chemistry Publishes ECUST New Progress of Anti-aromatic Porphyrin Research

Recently, the research team of Professor Jie Yongshu and Li Qizhao, from the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering of ECUST, have made important progress in the research of anti-aromatic porphyrin. The related research article was published in German Applied Chemistry with the title of “Antiaromatic Sapphyrin Isomer: Transformation into Contracted Porphyrinoids with Variable Aromaticity”.

The research was mainly completed by Dr. Li Qizhao, a specially appointed associate researcher of ECUST, under the guidance of Professor Jie Yongshu, and was carefully guided by Academician Tian He. It has been greatly helped by Professor Hiroyuki Furuta of Japan in spectrum measurement and mechanism research. In addition, Professor Wu Xinyan, Associate Professor Sha Feng and Dr. Zhu Bin of ECUST, and Professor Hans Ågren and Dr. Glib Baryshnikov of Sweden have provided a lot of help in mechanism research, crystal analysis and theoretical calculation.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237