
German Applied Chemistry Published ECUST New Strategy of Selective Hydrogenation Catalyst Design for Alkynes

Recently, the catalytic reaction engineering team of the School of Chemical Engineering, ECUST, has made new progress in the field of mechanism-driven active site design of alkyne selective hydrogenation catalyst, precisely adjusting the distance between adjacent Pd sites at atomic scale to match the adsorption configuration of key species, and realizing the directional control of the target reaction path. The related research article was published in German Applied Chemistry (Hot Paper) with the title “Increasing the Distance of Adjacent Palladium Atoms for Configuration Matching in Selective Hydrogenation”.

The artile is first authored by doctoral candidate Ge Xiaohu and corresponding authored by Professor Duan Xuezhi and Cao Yueqiang from the catalytic reaction engineering team of the School of Chemical Engineering, ECUST. The research work was carefully guided by Academician Yuan Weikang and Professor Zhou Xinggui, and was strongly supported by Professor Dai Sheng from the Joint Research Center of Feringa Nobel Prize Scientists of ECUST in electron microscope characterization. The research work has been funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Major Natural Science Project of the Scientific Research and Innovation Plan of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, and the Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan of Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237