
ACS Catalysis Publishes ECUST New Progress in Creation and Application of High-Performance Imine Reductase

Recently, cooperated with Professor Guo Ruiting from Hubei University, Professor Zheng Gaowei from the team of Professor Xu Jianhe of the State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering, ECUST, has made new progress in the creation and application of high-performance imine reductase. The related research article was published in the Journal of American Chemical Society Catalysis with the title of “Engineered Imine Reductase for Larotrectinib Intermediate Manufacture”.

This article is co-first-authored by Associate Professor Chen Qi and Masteral Candidate Li Bobo of East China University of Science and Technology, and Associate Professor Zhang Lilan of Hubei University. It is co-corresponding authored by Professor Zheng Gaowei of East China University of Science and Technology and Professor Guo Ruiting of Hubei University.This research has been financially supported by the National Key R&D Program “Synthetic Biology”, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the General Foundation of China. 


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