
Nature Communications Publishes online ECUST Latest Progress of High Temperature Carbon Capture and In-situ Conversion Technology  

Recently, cooperated with each other, Professor Hu Jun and Professor Gong Xueqing from the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, ECUST, made the latest progress in the field of high-temperature carbon capture and in-situ conversion technology, combining experimental and theoretical calculation research. The related article was published in Nature Communications with the title of “Synergistic promotion between CO2 capture and in-situ conversion on ni-cao composite catalyst”.

The article is co-first authored by doctoral candidate Shao Bin, and distinguished associate researcher Wang Zhiqiang from School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, ECUST, and co-authored by Professor Gong Xueqing and Professor Hu Jun. The research work has received careful guidance and help from by academicians Qian Feng, Hu Peijun and Professor Liu Honglai and it has been financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and China Petrochemical Corporation.


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