
Advanced Materials Publishes ECUST Latest Research Progress of Structure-activity Relationship of Copper-based Molecular Sieve Catalysts 

Recently, the research team of Professor Dai Sheng from School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Feringa Nobel Prize Scientists Joint Research Center and the research team of Professor Zhan Wangcheng from Institute of Industrial Catalysis have made new progress in the structure-activity relationship of direct oxidation of methane to methanol catalyzed by Cu-based molecular sieves. The related research article was published in Advanced Materials with the title of “Atomic Insights into the Cu Species Supported on Zeolite for Direct Oxidation of Methane to Methanol via Low-Damage HAADF-STEM ”.

This article is first co-authored by Tang Xuan, a postdoctoral fellow in the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, and Ye Jiajie, a doctoral student, with East China University of Science and Technology as the only corresponding academic affiliation, and co-corresponding-authored by Professor Zhan Wangcheng and Professor Dai Sheng. This research has received careful guidance from Professor Guo Yun, the Chief Scientist of the National Key R&D Plan of ECUST and it has been financially supported by the joint research center of Feringa Nobel Prize scientists, the Materials Biology and Dynamic Chemistry Frontier Science Center of the Ministry of Education, the National Key R&D Plan, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the Postdoctoral Science Fund of China.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237